Please write or paste your tracking code into the box above and press Enter.
If no tracking information shows up, then please wait a few days as it might not be updated yet or the package might be stuck in some non-trackable area.
Any delays or mishaps if occur with the package for any reason after once the package is shipped from our warehouse, then it will be the sole responsibility of the courier services.
Normally it takes 2-4 weeks for shipment based on the country you want the shipment to reach, But during the peak sale days especially during Holiday/Festival seasons, you can expect the shipments to be done within 4-10 weeks which is again quite normal with us as well as most other e-commerce businesses during this period of the year..
Please Note:
Once we have dispatched the package from our warehouse, any delays if occurred, will be the sole responsibility of the courier services. Hence, We expect you to not ask refunds due to shipping delays.
Although we will surely help you in the matter